Project Type:
Branding, Print, Social media
The OAKA is an expansive digital media company that is inspired by the community in which it exists. The OAKA sets out to provide local artists and aspiring professionals with proper exposure and representation. Inspired by the culture.
The OAKA exists on the streets and should represent its community with respect and flare. The OAKA is not scared to take risks or show some skin. They seek to call attention to the strides local musicians are making. Loud but subtle characters and graphics to match. The OAKA is rough around the edges but clear in its message. In the redesign, the client made it clear that they did not want a complete departure from their previous brand. They wanted to elevate their current look and expand to help their brand exist more clearly in other spaces.
The solution was inspired by bricks which are often the backdrop of many graffiti scenes. It was important that the new mark feel strong and trustworthy while still feeling safe and easygoing. Another solution was to create a secondary "street version" modeled after graffiti that could help reinforce the playful nature of the brand.
With a simple color pallet, it was important to the client to have additional styled assets that they could use throughout their prints. The designs are inspired by brutalist hyper-modern design and revolve around broadcasting subject matter. I also included basic graffiti words that could be thrown anywhere on artwork to help reinforce the brand's language.
As a digital media and clothing brand, both packaging and the web are the primary touch point for consumers. They want to influence their surroundings in the way that the community influences them. Bold and striking type. Quality materials, and a brand that has room to evolve.

Since the brand does a lot of outreach in the community via social media, it was important that the brand demonstrate a strong and recognizable design vocabulary to not only cater to its target audience but establish the brand as a trusted news and media source. This was a network that cared about the individuals they report on. They walk the walk and talk the talk so, it was crucial that the brand communicated this as well.
The client also gave me a lot of creative freedom which allowed me to explore more experimental layout choices and conceptual design. I believe seeing the brand exist in this way shows how the brand can grow as the company does.

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